Wantist: Give Amazing Gifts

‘Here at Wantist’ Archives

MIO Giveaway Winner!

MIO Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to Lindsay! A shiny green Pop-Up Bike Basket is headed your way. We hope your students think the basket is as cool as we do—a proper place for all those books. (She’s a librarian ;))

Thanks to everyone who participated and a big thank you to MIO too—you guys are the best.

Have an awesome weekend!

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Last Day to Enter! Win A Pop-Up Basket from MIO

MIO Earth Day Giveaway

Yes, it’s that time already. Tomorrow is the last day to enter our MIO Earth Day giveaway!

Head to this post and tell us how you’d use your Pop-Up Basket. Tell your friends for even more chances to win. All the details are here.

Want to see just how clever MIO’s Pop-Up Basket is? Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at the design process, including photos and video of basket prototypes. See the creativity, testing and fine-tuning that went into making this unique product. And just think, you could win one!

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MIO Earth Day Giveaway!

MIO Earth Day Giveaway

Happy Friday! We’re heading into Earth Day weekend with an awesome giveaway from MIO! You remember our spotlight on these great guys earlier this week. This is your chance to win one of our favorites from their collection. It’s clever, comes in really great colors, and is perfect for springtime!

Win A Pop-Up Basket from MIO

The Prize:

One lucky winner will receive a MIO Pop-Up Basket for your bike or your home—your choice!

The Pop-Up Basket ships flat and is pulled into shape once you receive it. Stretch it a little and use it as a modern decorative container. Stretch it all the way and use it as a recycling bin, umbrella stand, or bin for toys or logs. Yes, it’s that strong!

Or, get on your bikes and ride! There’s a version for your bike too. Attach to the front or the back to carry purses, backpacks, shopping bags, your friends! (Okay, probably not your friends.)

THREE ways to enter:

1. Check out the Pop-Up Basket and the Pop-Up Bike Basket on MIO’s site. Then leave a comment letting us know what you would store in yours and which color you like most.

2. Head to MIO and Wantist on Facebook and give us some “likes”. Then leave a comment on this post letting us know you like us!

3. Let your followers in on the giveaway. Tweet this link http://wnt.st/lpfz with the hashtag #MIOEarthDay and you’re all set.

Do all three to increase your chances! Giveaway runs April 20th through April 26th. The winner will be announced Friday, April 27th.

Good luck!


Win A Pop-Up Basket from MIO

What’s in the Gift Bag? To: Blogstar, Love: Wantist

Wantist Blogstar Gift Bags

Tonight’s the night! Blogstar’s first ever Sunday Supper. Ten fancy blogger ladies are headed to New York City for an evening of dining (naturally there will be wine and cheese) and conversation hosted by Blogstar‘s Sarah Bryden-Brown.

It promises to be a delicious evening and we’re delighted to be a part of it. We won’t be at the dinner, but our wonderful gift bags will be!

When Sarah asked if I could pick out some amazing gifts for each of these gals I was all over it. I could not be more thrilled with what we were able to send their way and am ever so grateful for the fabulous makers and retailers who pitched in. Thank you so much!

Before I let you in on what they’re getting, a little more about Blogstar. Blogstar promotes over 450 premium women bloggers who cover design, style, lifestyle, pregnancy, motherhood, craft, food & parenting. Essentially, Blogstar is about lifting up these awesome people who work hard to produce great content, and helping them make money doing what they do best, blogging. Pretty rad, if I do say so.

So, the gifts! Each bag has a little something different in it from the selection below. Look!

Wantist Blogstar Gift Bag - What's inside

From left to right, top to bottom:

Quite the loot, right? I’m so excited about them, I just can’t stand it. I wish I could give one of these amazing gifts to each and every one of you.

Enjoy your gifts Blogstars & have a super Sunday Supper!

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Wantist Blogstar Gift Bag - What's inside

Happy New Year!

New Year's Glittered Cupcake Topper by Potter and Butler

New Year’s Glittered Cupcake Topper by Potter and Butler

Hey party people! Hope your holidays have been all laughs and sparkles, good food and fancy drinks.

And the gifts you gave? I hope they filled you with joy—and your recipient too.

I don’t know about you, but for us this year has truly flown by. It’s an exciting one to look back on, but even more exciting to look ahead. Thank you for sharing 2011 with us—for your smiles, your support, and for making this year extra special.

We’ll be taking a break here on the blog for the next month and be back bright-eyed and bushy-tailed in February.

Best wishes for everything the new year brings!

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What a Whirlwind

Smudge Ink Cities and States Holiday Cards

Cities and States Snow Globe Holiday Cards by Smudge Ink

How was your Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, Cyber / Green Gift Monday, weekend?

Did you relax? Enjoy family and friends? What about holiday shopping? Are you started? Finished? Is Wantist helping you save time and making your gift-giving even more fun this year? I sure hope so.

My weekend? It was filled with a delicious and emotional Thanksgiving, goodbyes, packing, loading, cleaning, and a very long drive with respiratory ick thrown in for good measure.

Alas…we made it! To beautiful San Francisco. And I think I’ve got the ick in check after a good night’s rest.

Yes, we moved! From our beloved Portland to the enchanting and bustling city by the Bay. It’s bittersweet. We’ll be in and out of town before we get settled, but can’t wait to explore and meet SF friends in real life.

Thanks for your patience through the bumps. We’re so excited to share your holidays with you!



Great Looking Rain Gear: Guest Post on Kirtsy!

Brittany's guest post on Kirtsy

Here in the Northwest, when temperatures drop and leaves change, so too comes the rain. Don’t get dreary, get dressed up!

Today over on Kirtsy I’ve put together a collection of great looking raincoats, umbrellas, wellies and more, with something for everyone in the family. Go see!

I’m really thrilled to be among their smart and creative contributors. It’s a world of blogger crushes over there.

Kirtsy began four years ago as a place to find and share the best of the internet. It was started by three friends, Gabrielle Blair aka Design Mom, Blog con Queso‘s Laura Mayes, and Laurie Smithwick of UpsideUP.

Their community grew, they authored a book, and started not one but two popular conferences.

Kirtsy relaunched this summer with a whole new look and an update on their original vision. It’s pretty fantastic. Each day they post “a new slideshow curated by some of the most interesting people online.” You’ll find collections of all kinds filled with art, design, products, photos, projects, even food. You’re gonna be hooked.

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Here Comes Email + Give & Tell

Everyday Gift Tags by K is for Calligraphy

Everyday Gift Tags by K is for Calligraphy

Heads up! We’ve got two announcements to share with you.

Here comes Email

Coming soon (like right now) to an inbox near you, we’ve flipped the email switch to “ON”. Are you subscribed?

All the wonderful things happening every day on the Wantist blog will now come to you daily via email. (And we’re working on some special perks just for you, subscribers).

If you’re already subscribed, great. If not, you can subscribe simply by entering your email address into the big subscribe box at the bottom of any page on Wantist and on the right-hand side of the blog.

Give & Tell

Plus, there’s a new column beginning this week! It’s a series of short interviews with guests sharing gift-giving tales and tips—something we all have in common, and each approach a little differently.

We’re excited about the people we’ve got lined up so far and can’t wait to share their stories with you.

If you’d like to Give & Tell here on Wantist, I’d love to hear from you! Please email me for more information.

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Say hello to our new Teammates!

Meet Team Wantist

We’re so excited to introduce you to our new team! Here on the blog to share their smarts, their charm and their knack for exceptional gift-giving are darlings of the internet, Monique, Kelly, Capree and Erin.

You can find out all about them on our brand new Team page. Do say hello. They’re very friendly.

High-fives, Team Wantist! We’re so happy to have you!

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