I’m still in a bit of denial about September starting tomorrow. Don’t get me wrong, I adore the sights and smells of Autumn, but I’m just not ready to let go of the summer sun, the season’s fresh berries and trips to the Farmers’ Market.
I have, however, found a delightful way to grab hold of the beauty of that lively place and share it with someone else—year round if I choose—with these wonderful Farmers’ Market cards by Yee-Haw Industries.
Oh and by the way, Yee-Haw is amazing, y’all. Their Knoxville, Tennessee shop headed up by Julie Belcher and Kevin Bradley, produces some of the most down-home, honky-tonk, kickass artisan printed pieces you ever did see.

The cards are available in assorted sets or you can pick your preferred piece of produce at Yee-Haw’s Etsy Shop.
Which printed piece of produce would you pick? A peck of pickled peppers? ;)