Freckled Fawn Autumn OHdeerME Kit
Filled with enticing tags and tapes, one of my favorite online supply shops is Freckled Fawn.
It’s a store fit for crafty imaginations, creative gift wrappers, and those only slightly obsessed with the wonderful world of washi tape. Ahem…
Beyond Doe’s delightful collection—hello woodgrain and arrows and birds on a wire—Freckled Fawn puts together seasonal bundles of indie goods and supplies called OHdeerME Kits.
To the aforementioned gang of craftmongers, these kits are way better than a box of chocolates.
I mean look at that Autumn lot (up top), wooden leaves, cork clouds! I don’t yet know what I’d do with them but that’s hardly the point. Amiright?
The OHdeerME Kits do have a tendency to sell out so act quickly if you wish to claim one.
Freckled Fawn July OHdeerME Kit