If I had to guess, the grandmas and grandpas in your life are a lot like mine and love getting photos and letters in the mail.
So do it. Sit down and write them a handwritten letter once and a while. You’ll be so glad you did.
Right, I know. You’re thinking that sounds lovely and all but life is busy, you’ve got a family that’s always on the go, who has time to put a letter in the mail? Well, with Postcardly, you do.
Created by three smart guys in Seattle and inspired by “one lonely grandma,” the idea is so simple: Send real, hold-in-your-hand pictures via email.
You just grab your smart phone, snap a photo and write an email. (Naturally, you can send an email from your computer too.) Off goes your postcard to grandmother’s house with your picture on one side and your message on the other. It’s that easy.
And what a perfect day to give Postcardly a try—it’s Grandparents Day! (A jolly fact you already knew because you downloaded our Jollydays wallpaper.)
Set up an account to make their day again and again—your first 3 postcards are free!

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