Wantist: Give Amazing Gifts

‘Gift Well: Tips & Tools’ Archives

IHOD Holiday Gift Guide (with picks from Wantist!)

Anna Liesemeyer is a graphic designer from Altlana, GA. She runs the beautiful blog, In Honor of Design, where she shares bits of her life and favorite finds—like this chevron cake!

Anna just published a gorgeous holiday gift guide, that’s really more than a gift guide—it has some wonderful gift-wrapping ideas and a fun DIY ornament tutorial to boot. She’s included gifts from some of our favorite stores and quite kindly, many from Wantist too!

You can flip through the pages above or click the images below to see them bigger.

Gifts for Men picks from Wantist p. 9 IHOD Holiday Gift Guide

Click the image to view this page in the gift guide

Paper & Packaging p. 4 IHOD Holiday Gift Guide

Click the image to view this page in the gift guide

Read what she has to say about the guide and let her know what an awesome job she did putting it together.

Thanks Anna! Happy gifting!

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Paper & Packaging p. 4 IHOD Holiday Gift GuideGifts for Men picks from Wantist p. 9 IHOD Holiday Gift Guide

Do You Fall Back on Digital Gifts? You Probably Shouldn’t

Photo by Charlene Precious

One of the primary goals at Wantist is to eliminate the stressful, often last-minute nature of finding the perfect gift. Still, we’ve all experienced that anxious rush to buy, wrap, and nonchalantly deliver a present like, “It’s no big deal. I’ve had this ready to go for ages!” Whether we were too indecisive while shopping around, or just plain forgot, it happens to all of us.

In situations where last-minute gifting is inevitable, a lot of people turn to digital products, like Kindle ebooks, Netflix subscriptions, and video games off Steam. In general, this practice is gaining a lot of popularity, largely due to how convenient it is—after all, many of us practically live online. But are non-tangible presents perceived as equal to their physical counterparts by those on the receiving end? As conscientious gift-givers, this is an important point to consider.

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Tool Time Summer Gift Guide

Core77s Ultimate Summer Gift Guide

There’s something about summertime that brings out the desire to tackle a project. Maybe it’s that you find yourself with a little more free time. Perhaps it’s the dry weather finally giving you the chance to set up those sawhorses in the backyard.

Whatever it is, Core77 and their kingdom of mighty makers have put together a Tool Time Gift Guide for the summer season. While you’ll certainly spy a couple gifts that are also found on Wantist, this list picks up where our handy category leaves off. These are some serious picks for hackers, crafters and engineers. “Gifts and gets,” as they’ve aptly put, “to inspire you to get your hands dirty and dive, safety-goggles first, into the season for making.”

Make on!

Core77′s Ultimate Summer Gift Guide

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Never Forget an Anniversary with MANsaver

No excuses! Men and misters (even aloof betties too), consider yourself saved. Saved from the shame, the embarrassment, the missed opportunity, to do a little something nice for your S.O. A little effort goes a long way, guys.

MANsaver is a new iPhone app that prompts you to enter your relationship start date and then does the rest. It includes a bank of lovey holidays, calculates important milestones, and then sends push notification reminders right when you need them, leading you down the path toward super casanova.

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