Ready for one of the most adorably geeky what-ifs you’ve ever seen? It’s a new book just in time for Father’s Day—Darth Vader and Son.
I. Know! It’s everything you’re imagining right this moment.
Dreamed up by celebrated illustrator and author Jeffery Brown, the book considers: What if Darth Vader took an active role in raising his son? What if “Luke, I am your father” was just a stern admonishment from an annoyed dad?
Presenting the trials and joys of parenting through the lens of a galaxy far, far away, Darth Vader and Son addresses everything from Take Your Child to Work Day on the Death Star to using the Force to raid the cookie jar.
A great gift for expecting dads, granddads, geeky dads, movie buff dads, and every dad in between.
And now, a couple pages for you and a quirky book trailer too. Enjoy!
Can’t see the video? Visit the post.

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