True love in a bottle. It’s no joke now—I mean it! (Anybody wanna peanut?)
Austin’s Alamo Drafthouse just launched The Bottle of Wits. It’s a celebration of wine and The Princess Bride! They’re introducing the Inconceivable Cab and As You Wish White in honor of The Princess Bride’s 25th anniversary this year. (Geez really, has it been that long?) I. Am. Giddy!
In addition to the two wines, Alamo is offering some cleverly designed merchandise (that I must get my hands on) and will be hosting a nationwide tour of a Princess Bride Quote-Along.
It’s a Valentine’s Day miracle. The online shop opens up today so you can bring Wesley, Buttercup, Fezzik, the whole gang, to your table.
Hello My Name is Inigo Montoya T-Shirt
Who is Right, and Who is Dead Bottle of Wits T-Shirt
Bottle of Wits Wine Glass Charms
Hugs and thank you to my sister Becca for the tip about this sweet sweet news. As You Wish Bec!

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