Man Meat Cookies by Whipped Bakeshop
Dear Valentine, I’m sending you a cookie. Not just any cookie. It’s been baked fresh with vanilla shortbread, iced with almond royal icing, and hand-decorated to look like a meaty steak. That’s right, steak. Because you like sweets and you like meats and I like you.
Man Meat Heart Cookies
Whipped Bakeshop in Philadelphia is the brainchild of Zoe Lukas. It’s a “true working bakery, powered by artists.” Artists with an adorable sense of humor.
Pictured are some of favorites from their Valentine selection. From mixtapes to meat steaks the cookies are boxed in sets of 6 all wrapped up and ready to give. Order by the 8th to receive by the 14th!
Woodsy Woodsman Cookies
Mixtape Cookies
Mustache Cookies
Red Love Cookies

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