Eat Drink & Be Merry Greeting Card, Two Arms
Dining out with a foodie is always an experience, but the fun shouldn’t stop at their preferred restaurant of choice. While some food lovers might know their way around a kitchen, others rely on the pros to satisfy their taste buds. Well, you’re in luck, because there are heaps of ways to spread the culinary cheer without gifting cooking essentials. Whether they’re always asking important questions when ordering, or photographing your meal before you can take a bite, here are 17 gifts fit for the finest foodies on your list!
Clockwise: BBQ of the Month Club, Murray’s Cheese of the Month Club, A Year’s Supply of TCHOcolate, Foodzie Tasting Box Gift Subscription
The easiest idea? Something edible of course! “Food of the Month” clubs are pretty much the best thing ever, and I’m not sure why I haven’t invested in one of these delicious options before. Each month, your favorite food-loving friend will receive a special package filled with different BBQ, cheese and chocolate goodies, just to name a few. This gift will not stop giving…at least for a few months!
Clockwise: Downeast Lobster Rolls, Flavor of Portland Deluxe Artisan Gift Basket, Vegetable and Meat Lasagna Cupcakes
If giving once is enough for you, check out some of these savory selections. Who knew lasagna and cupcakes could be cooked into one, mouth-watering culinary creation?
Clockwise: Cookies for Grown-Ups by Lark Fine Foods, Box of 9 French Macarons, Bourbon Pecan Carmel Bar by Have it Sweet, Maine Whoopie Pies
You probably shouldn’t forget dessert since it’s arguably the most important meal of the day. Cookies, macarons, bourbon bars and whoopie pies are all anxiously awaiting your snail mail love; chop chop!
Porcelain Take-Out Dishes by Lorena Barrezueta, Klipo Cutlery Set
Maybe your gourmet gal or gentleman wants to enjoy their meal at home. If paper plates and wooden chopsticks just won’t do, here are some reusable ideas instead.
Mobile Foodie Survival Kit, Foodie Flashcards, Foodie Fight
Every foodie needs a little fun. I mean, nothing’s scarier than sub-par seasonings and unrefined palates! We’re laughing with you, I promise.
What’s one gift you plan on giving this holiday season that delivers a full serving of foodie love?

Santa, if you’re listening, I would like one of each of these please.