I just had to chuckle when I saw Tristan’s latest addition to her shop, Besotted Brand. It’s a monogram stamp for couples that can be personalized with their Missus and Mister initials. (That’s not the funny part.)
Just like everything from Besotted it’s simple and beautiful. (Not funny either.)
In Tristan’s case, her mister bears the first initial “A” making for a particularly cheeky double entendre. (There it is.)
My dear friend Megan gets married next week and it’s impossible not to have wedding on the brain. When I saw this I immediately thought of her (act surprised M+M!). Weddings are just so lovey and fun. I can’t wait!
I love that this is a gift the couple can use for quite a long time. First for their thank yous—maybe she writes, and he stamps? And all other ways throughout the years.
As the holidays near how fun would it be to stamp initials onto presents and handmade gifts? Friends and family would definitely know which packages were from the newlyweds.

Brittany thank you, I am honored:)