Wantist: Give Amazing Gifts

Posts Tagged ‘socks’

Give & Tell with Arjun Basu

Arjun Basu

When Arjun Basu gave Twitter a try three years ago, his first tweet wasn’t the usual mic check. Instead he wrote a story, edited it to 140 characters, and hit send. Intrigued and inspired by the limitations, Arjun’s stories, coined Twisters, now number in the thousands.

In addition to these pithy slices of life, Arjun has also authored Squishy, a book of short stories, and his first novel is currently making the rounds with publishers. Today he shares his own gift-giving stories with you, without any character limits. Thanks Arjun!

What are the best gifts you’ve given or received?

I think, first, gifts are situational. An amazing gift can quickly become useless. The idea of a gift is relative. For my last birthday I received socks among other things. Very funky socks. I have a sock problem (meaning, I love socks too much). I admit this. And my wife fed that problem. I was thrilled. Five years ago, I might have looked at the socks and asked “what are you, my mother?” In that same batch of gifts, I recieved the new Momofuku cookbook. Again, I was thrilled. Wait, I may have mixed up two different gift giving events. Good gifts kind of blur together…. Now, because of what I’ve just said, I have no idea what the best gift I’ve ever given was. I’m trying very very hard not to make a crude joke right here. But it’s very hard. I need to step away for a second.

What’s your favorite reason to celebrate with a gift?

I don’t think gifts need occasions. I mean, yes, a birthday without a gift is literally a day without sunshine but if I see something I like, I buy it. And it becomes a gift. Mainly I hate shopping. I hate the physical act of shopping, whether that means going to a store or even perusing the internet. That said, I love buying stuff on the internet that I come across by accident. Because then, I’m not “shopping.” I’m pretty sure I totally didn’t answer that question.
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Arjun's Picks on Wantist

When we say Happy, you say Socks

Colors, patterns and smiles for your feet

Happy Socks

Forget the Prozac and put away the chocolate cake, your disposition is about to be altered by a pair of socks. And if you just can’t shake your apathy—perhaps it’s part of your getup—then a wiggle of your toes will be so ironically jolly.

Happy Socks from Sweden debuted this time last year at Stockholm Fashion Week with their first collection of 100 styles, scholastically titled “Chapter 1”. The launch of Chapter 2 is days away so they’re offering an incredible deal of 10 pairs for half price. Right now.

Red Sock, Blue Sock

Easily the most overlooked and under-appreciated accessory, particularly in a man’s wardrobe, Happy Socks have found a little niche and they’re rocking it.

Made in unisex styles—because what’s the difference between a man or woman’s sock anyway?—the socks are manufactured by a thirty-year-old family-owned company in Turkey. They’re made of combed cotton, for softness and strength, and the seam at the toe is sewn by hand so that it fits smoothly next to your piggies.

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