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Coast to coast creativity, community and craft

Handmade Nation DVD

Handmade Nation Documentary now on DVD

One of the beautiful things about being a picky shopper these days is the growing contemporary craft scene and our ability to buy, almost as easily, from independent makers as we do large retailers.

Now don’t be fooled thinking popsicle sticks and Elmers, maybe a little macaroni art from your kindergarten days. No, many of these artisans make quite the sophisticated array of goods. (Not to belittle artists of the aforementioned mediums. You’re surely out there and likely quite awesome.) Not only are the crafters good at what they do, but by the very nature of the items being handmade, they are often one-of-a-kind created with careful attention to detail and a whole lot of heart.

The privilege of a purchase from a DIYer (whether one person or a team of ten) is two-fold. You acquire something that is unique and special—novelty that’s hard to match at say, the mall. And you also support their business so they can continue to do the work they do and lead the life they love.

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They make the world around you

Objectified Movie Poster

Objectified documentary now available everywhere

Most everything we touch was conceived by another human being. That person’s intuition, research and imagination about how you will use your potato peeler, MacBook or alarm clock directly impacts you.

What an awesome responsibility. And what an often overlooked relationship we have with other people.

Objectified is a documentary about such relationships—those we have with the “manufactured objects around us, and by extension, the people who design them.”

If you enjoy reveling in the world of industrial design, or simply love gorgeous manufacturing porn (how could you not, raised on this: Crayons!), Objectified will make you swoon.

If to you there’s nothing like a wonderful documentary that celebrates creativity, makes you think, and speaks casually with the world’s most influential designers in a style that only Gary Hustwit (also director of Helvetica) can do, then you will love the film.

And if you’ve ever relished a great purchase or looked longingly at something while window shopping, you should watch Objectified.

We were fortunate enough to catch Objectified when it was screened in Portland back in June.

More about our thoughts on the film after the jump.

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