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On the Road Again… 10 Gifts for a Well Organized Car


My Car-Nivorous Dinosaur Print from Christopher on Society6

We all lead busy lives. Multi-tasking and having a to-do list a mile long seems to be the norm these days. And many of us (re: ME) live in cities with less than optimal public transportation. All this leads to spending A LOT of time in the car. Sometimes I even feel like I live in my car, which can quickly become a hot mess. Trash on the floor, extra shoes and clothes in the back, work papers strewn all about, let’s not even look in the trunk … you get the idea.

But a clean and well organized car doesn’t just have to be something you dream about. With a little forethought and a few key items, your car can be neat and tidy and serve a higher purpose than simply getting you from Point A to Point B.

These 10 gifts are great for anyone who spends an inordinate amount of time in their car, or really anyone who’s just a complete slob in their vehicle. And what about the long drives ahead to visit family for the holidays? They’ll make those even better too!

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