DIY Printmaking with Rolling Pins by EcoSalon
It may not be a project you often think to do—to print your own gift wrap at home. However, just as wrapping a present is symbolic of your extra effort, that personal touch, getting a little messy MUST mean you really really care.
Or… that you’re simply a big dork when it comes to getting crafty with gift wrap. Join the club. Either way this printed rolling pin wrapping paper is a clever idea and also a fun project to do with the kids.
DIY Printmaking with Rolling Pins by EcoSalon
We’ve seen DIY gift wrap decorated with stamps made from wine corks and others made from vegetables, but a rolling pin? That’s a new one and it just makes sense—you can roll out your entire pattern in just a few seconds.
Visit EcoSalon for all the how-tos and don’t worry, they’ve got solutions to keep your rolling pin clean and in tip-top shape for all that pie crust you’ll be making next month.
DIY Printmaking with Rolling Pins by EcoSalon
Do let me know if you give this a try. Would love to hear about it!
(h/t Curbly)

best idea ever! way better than a potato stamp.
Hey Amanda! Right? I really want to try this.