Shot Glass Card by Fifty Five Hi’s
Birthdays and whiskey shots, they have a funny way of showing up on the same day don’t they?
Whether to toast another year or to forget just how old you really are, a shot of something strong usually does the trick. Fifty Five Hi’s has created a card to help you do both.
This birthday card has a pop-out origami shot glass in it. It really works. No, I’m not kidding. Watch the video:
It was a moment of genius the day Ross created this thing. Needless to say the first set sold out super quickly, but the second batch is set to ship next week.
Ross Moody is the one-man-band behind Fifty Five Hi’s, a design driven collection of greeting cards, art prints, desktop wallpapers, and more. Such greatness!
(h/t ManMadeDIY)

Clever! Thanks for the share!