Summer is the co-founder of 3 online shops (house&hold, fawn&forest and goodnight green) and lives in Portland, Oregon with her co-founder husband & three small sons.
Each of her stores has a clean and colorful modern aesthetic. fawn&forest, where I first met Summer, is one of my most favorite places to shop for kids and baby things. Their newest shop, house&hold, is full of wonderful housewares—both places teeming with great gift ideas.
In addition to her great eye and good taste she’s a really fun person with a super sweet family. I’m so excited for you to hear about her mother’s amazing number game, the drawings from her husband, and her wrapping plans for this Christmas!
What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
The best gift I’ve ever been given would definitely be my 3 sons. And the cast iron pan my husband gave me for Valentine’s Day when we were first married. I use the cast iron pan daily. It is sturdy, timeless & honest. Give it love and it will reward you. Just like my sons. Yes!
What’s your favorite reason to celebrate with a gift?
I like no reason at all! My husband is really amazing at this & I will randomly receive packages in the mail from him with great surprise. I also really like housewarming gifts. It is such a cozy occasion & a fresh chapter for new homeowners. I recently did a post on House&Hold on housewarming gifts. The products listed are my favorite 4!
Could you share a wrapping secret with us?
I, at one time thought I had fanciness in gift wrapping. Not so. I usually wrap gifts as I am heading out the door or in the car on the way to a party. Anything involving tissue paper is a complete disaster & gift bags just seem excessive to me. My new secret weapon: ribbon. I tend to forgo gift wrap—it gets thrown away so quickly, but folks always keep a nice ribbon. I have a big stash of new & vintage ribbons that I pull from (literally) on my way out.
A caveat: this year for Christmas my theme is natural kraft paper/wrap & lots of neon. I already have my wrappings supplies, so I should be good to go.
Have you ever given a gift in an interesting way?
My mom is a gift giving force to be reckoned with. Strange, but loving. One year instead of writing our names on our Christmas gifts under the tree, she numbered them all. On Christmas morning, we could not dive in & tear away! Nope. She broke out her trusty master list as we asked her “number 5? who gets number 5?!” it took us forever to open all the gifts.. and it was fun! I am thinking about doing the same thing this year for my family as it’s one of the best Christmas memories I have (and a great idea!)
What’s the most inexpensive item you could receive that warms your heart every time?
There was a time before we had children, that my husband would draw me little funny drawings every morning & put them on my bathroom mirror (I saved them all, i must have over 100!). This reminds me of the loving little drawings and do-dads that my children flood me with now. I love when they spell out ‘mom’ and draw our family. Such sweetness.
What’s your most extravagant Want?
A (modern) farmhouse with a forest-y area, a little creek, an orchard and some chickens. That and maybe a Cy Twombly painting. Or a whole collection of Mast Brothers Chocolate bars…
What Summer wants to give:
1. For my boys: Virginia Sin Porcelain Ice Cream Cones. We are strictly gluten free in our home—my boys would go nuts for these!
2. My mom is a tech’d out granny. And a knitter. The wittiness of this knitted power cord would crack her up!
3. For my Husband: Wegner EvoWood 11 Swiss Army Knife. A knife is the perfect gift for people who are impossible to shop for.
And something she wants for herself:
I’ve had my eye on the Necklace No. 5 by Iacoli & McAllister. I dress in uniform & like to have fun with jewelry.
Your turn! Want to Give & Tell on Wantist? Let’s do it! Email me for details.

All that AND 3 boys? Amazing. And how? Seriously, how?