Make any surface a whiteboard with IdeaPaint
Stop and smell the dry erase markers—say hello to Wantist. Hi there!
We’re kicking things off with a real doozy of a why-didn’t-I-think-of-that product. In fact, maybe you did think of it but you never wrote it down, so away it went. Shame, shame.
Jot it down
Get those cerebral nuggets out of your head and on to the wall, the cabinets, the doors. If you paint it, you can write on it, with IdeaPaint.
Though we haven’t tried it yet, word on the web is that it’s right on. The creative superstars at Behance and swissmiss have given it a go and they’re hooked. They speak to productivity boosts while brainstorming and how it wipes clean like new afterwards. Nice.
That white wall is green
IdeaPaint also takes quite a step in the green direction. By simply painting a surface that already exists in your space, waste on the production and elimination sides of owning a whiteboard is significantly reduced—no bulky board to hang or to throw away when you’re done with it.
The founder’s story is the kind of entrepreneurial tale heavy drinkers are made of:
Guy in dorm has idea. A few years later he and two friends form a company. Within a year of launch their product graces the conference room walls and hallways of everyone from Comedy Central, to Google, to the CIA.
Get yours from Behance and receive their tips for use with your kit. It’s $175 per 50 sq ft, decidedly more than your average can of paint, because it’s not your average can of paint.
Also for sale at:

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