Wantist: Give Amazing Gifts

Posts Tagged ‘launch’

And 3…2…1…

We’re live!

As of today Wantist is a whole new site. Welcome.

While our look and functionality are different, our goal of helping people discover great products hasn’t changed. Our approach has.

In short, Wantist is a gift finder designed to be as simple as we could imagine it to be. Our hope for the site is that its simplicity is what makes it especially useful (and fun).

Something else you should know—Wantist is hand-curated. We fill and tweak a database of discoveries from all over the web keeping two main criteria in mind: Is it a great gift? and Can I buy it today?

We take these first steps out the gate with plenty of major feature ideas still on our dev list, some glaring word associations that could use fixing, alternate/additional adjectives in mind, and an endless supply of products to assess and add that’ll continue to make the site even better.

Your suggestions and feedback are highly requested. Please and thank you.

Now go get your holiday shopping finished, then treat yourself to a gift for being so on top of things.

p.s. … most of what was here before—six months of lovin’ on makers and their goods—now precedes this post, so if there’s a story or a product you remember from last Fall, it’s not gone, just moved.

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