Wantist: Give Amazing Gifts

XXX is hot, 30 is meh

Roman numeral candles for celebrating, not counting

It happened, it was unavoidable

I turned thirty today. Rather, I turned XXX today. And to anyone else crossing the threshold of the big three-ohhh, I highly recommend it—XXX is much more fun.

Fred takes the cake

To celebrate in style this dirty-thirty birthday girl looked to Fred. You see, Fred makes funny look easy and continually introduces some of the most clever, part-stylish and part-absurd home accessories into the world. If you’ve ever found yourself in a gifty little boutique and some quirky product made you actually LOL, it was probably made by Fred & Friends.

Wrapped in witty

Half the fun of a product by Fred is the packaging and more specifically the copy written on it. Each trademarked name and quippy tag line coaxes a smile. And its that smile wherein the value lies. Take the Roman Candles, the tag line is, “Party like it’s MCMXCIX”. Predictable perhaps but every time I see it the grin reappears.

Age gracefully, with fewer candles

Whether you’re 30, 40 (XL), 54 (LIV), or 89 (LXXIX, they don’t work past 89) these Roman Candles will certainly produce fewer flames to extinguish than their traditional counterparts. And they may even spark a laugh or two. What’s a birthday if not a reason for a good chuckle?

Celebrate any age from 1 to 89 with Fred’s Roman Candles from Vat19—an equally silly store with quick, friendly service. Oh, and the best price, $4.95.

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